8 things to stop doing if you want to sell more IoT

Selling IoT? Eight Things To Stop Doing If You Want To Sell More

Posted on 4 CommentsPosted in Best Practices, go-to-market, Internet of Things, IoT, Product Management, sales, Strategy

Despite the disruptive and transformative potential of IoT, selling IoT solutions is today’s emerging marketplace is challenging. Buyers face many barriers, ranging from a lack of awareness to fears of early obsolescence.

In this blog, we’ll share the eight things IoT solutions vendors must stop doing right away. Instead, we’ll share eight alternative best practices and strategies that they should be doing instead to drive market adoption.

IoT channels

Building IoT solutions? Don’t forget about the channel!

Posted on 3 CommentsPosted in Best Practices, go-to-market, Internet of Things, Product Management, product-market fit, sales

Internet of Things (IoT) solutions offer tremendous and disruptive value for customers, but sometimes have the unintended effect of adversely impacting the channel that it is sold and serviced through. This results in slow adoption of IoT solutions, even if those solutions have significant and tangible customer value. This post highlights the two common product-market fit mistakes, and lists four best practices to facilitate channel adoption of innovative IoT solutions.