COVID-19 Safe Space and Reopening Services

Are you ready to reopen and return to in-person activities?

Are your buildings safe for in-person activities?

Are people ready and prepared to return?

Can you keep the space safe after reopening?

Our Reopening Services

Strategy of Things helps businesses, communities, and cities safely reopen and return to in-person activities.
We apply building science, advanced innovations, and strategy to help you create COVID-19 Safe Spaces to safely return to.
Our Reopening Readiness solution has been recognized as a Top 5 solution impacting cities post-COVID.

Reopening Readiness Workshops

This half day live, online and interactive workshop helps you prepare, build and optimize your reopening plan. You will learn the Safe Space model, the key elements of a safe reopening, best practices and practical advice for building and implementing your plan.

Reopening Readiness Assessment

This comprehensive assessment examines the readiness of your facilities, people and engagement, and post-opening operational support. A report is provided describing the current state of readiness, the gaps, and an actionable set of prioritized recommendations for the reopening plan.

Advisory and Consulting

We provide advice and consulting to your team leaders and executives that are planning and implementing reopening initiatives. Our extensive experience is a knowledge resource that mitigates execution risks, accelerates implementation, and provides your team with the skills to reopen safely.

Onsite Inspection and Reopening Assessment

We visit your facilities to conduct a physical inspection and interview your staff to assess your reopening readiness. An integrated inspection and assessment report provides you with the current state of readiness, the gaps, and an actionable set of prioritized recommendations for the reopening plan.

Success Story: Reopening Readiness Assessment of a City

Situation: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a midsize city in Silicon Valley closed their facilities to in-person work and public services. As COVID-19 infection rates decrease in the community, the city is planning to reopen their facilities to staff and the public beginning on July 1, 2021.

The city has implemented some measures and policies, but wants independent assessment and validation of their efforts. They want to understand if they have done enough, and to identify any gaps to be addressed, in order to ensure a safe reopening and return to in-person activities. The city has 18 facilities to be assessed, including the City Hall building, the police station, library, community center, and others.

Approach: We focused our efforts to help the city answer three questions:

Question 1: How ready are city facilities to reopen?

Question 2: How ready are staff and visitors to return, and is the city ready for them to return?

Question 3: Is the city ready to maintain and support staff and visitor safety needs after reopening?


We applied our Safe Space framework, a model that we co-developed with a small team of scientists, engineers and respected domain experts from Great Places and Spaces, Peter Williams Consulting, and Change Impetus. This model brings together the science of COVID-19 transmission; building and ventilation science; codes, public health guidelines and best practices; policies and practices; technology and innovative tools; space design and layout; people and organization; governance and operations; building infrastructure and metrics. We combine physical facility inspections, along with the assessment model, to score the effectiveness of the city’s responses and measures, identify gaps and create actionable recommendations.

Result/Outcome: The project was completed in May 2021. The city is currently incorporating the assessment results and recommendations into their reopening plan.

Foundation of a Safer Reopening: Our Safe Space Model

A safe reopening and sustainable resumption of in-person activities starts with creating COVID-19 safe spaces. These safe spaces provide peace of mind to employees, visitors, and employers. They are physical spaces that enable people to come together to work, collaborate, learn, and socialize in a way that minimizes their health risk. They employ an integrated set of measures spread across four crucial areas. Each of the four areas plays a unique and important role in creating, operating and sustaining the safeness of a space. These measures enable the COVID-19 safe space to consistently and effectively prevent, protect, mitigate, respond and recover from exposure and transmission incidents.


Industry Recognition

Planning to reopen? Talk to us first!

No matter where you are in your reopening journey, from planning to execution, your safe space design is unique and specific to your organization, market and customer base. Whether you have a question, want to compare notes and best practices, or want to share your successes, we love to hear from you. If you need help with your reopening, please contact us today for a free consultation of how we can help.