smart buildings in the age of covid-19

How COVID-19 clarified the necessity and value of smart buildings

Posted on Leave a commentPosted in COVID-19, Digital Transformation, Economic Impact, Internet of Things, IoT, Safe Spaces, Smart Buildings, Smart City, Smart Communities, Strategy

Smart buildings transform the spaces in which we work, live, shop, and relax. They implement innovations that change what we do, how we do it, and where we do it. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted how we used indoor spaces, and despite our progress in combatting the disease, scientists believe it will persist. What then becomes the role of smart buildings?
This blog updates the definition of today’s smart buildings and describes its evolved roles.

Digital Transformation

The evolving role of IT managers in a hyper-converged digital world

Posted on 3 CommentsPosted in Business Models, Digital Transformation, Innovation Management, Internet of Things

In the digital enterprise, the strategic fusion of IT, operations technology [OT], audio-video [AV] with transformational technologies (Cloud, Internet of Things, AI, analytics, edge processing) leads to richer customer experiences, business acceleration, and operational agility. This fusion leads to new innovation and digital transformation of the organization.

This article highlights the new roles and expectations of IT in an age of digital transformation.

iot buyers

Selling IoT – Who Is Your Real Buyer?

Posted on 5 CommentsPosted in Best Practices, FAQs, go-to-market, Internet of Things, sales, Strategy

You found product-market fit and built your Internet of Things (IoT) solution. But do you know who your buyer is?

IoT solutions create value that cut across organizational boundaries. Identifying a single buyer or owner in today’s traditionally structured organizations is difficult. Unlike IT where there is a centralized buyer, IoT buying is decentralized.

This post describes the reasons for this, and provides six best practices for selling IoT solutions into corporate organizations.