Building the Smart Region: an opportunity for electric utility companies

While smart cities represent a major business opportunity for utility companies, they are better suited to co-lead the building of the “smart region”. Utility companies have the regional focus, infrastructure, resources, operational and execution capabilities to support the largest metropolitan areas to the smaller cities and regions.

This article discusses some entry level smart region opportunities for utility companies, as well as some of the key gaps they must address.

Digital Transformation

The evolving role of IT managers in a hyper-converged digital world

In the digital enterprise, the strategic fusion of IT, operations technology [OT], audio-video [AV] with transformational technologies (Cloud, Internet of Things, AI, analytics, edge processing) leads to richer customer experiences, business acceleration, and operational agility. This fusion leads to new innovation and digital transformation of the organization.

This article highlights the new roles and expectations of IT in an age of digital transformation.

management considerations for IoT subscription models

Six Management Considerations for Planning IoT Subscription Models

One common monetization approach for today’s IoT solutions is the subscription model. While it provides an attractive recurring revenue stream, subscription models require major investments in resources, time, capital and management commitment.

In this blog, we’ll highlight six key strategic and critical considerations managers must address when planning and building IoT subscription models. These considerations will determine whether the IoT subscription service is successful or not.

IoT as a service

Selling IoT as a Service – 7 Best Practices

IoT or Internet of Things solutions, built on a cloud-based infrastructure, create opportunities for new business models and value delivery methods. While many IoT solutions are usually sold as a “product”, many vendors are now beginning to offer IoT “as-a-service”.

Selling a recurring revenue solution is not the same as selling an “one time” sale product. This post presents seven best practices for selling IoT as a service.