smart city trust

Smart City Trust – think beyond cybersecurity and privacy

Posted on Leave a commentPosted in Industrial IoT, Innovation Management, Internet of Things, Smart City, Smart Communities, Strategy

While a smart city is powered by technology and data, it is enabled and sustained by trust. Many people equate trust with privacy and cybersecurity. However, these are only two elements of many that create trust in a smart city. Trust must be embedded into the processes, policies and technology that create the city services. It must be integrated into its creators, users and beneficiaries from the very beginning.

This article introduces a holistic framework for building trust in a smart city for smart city planners and architects to consider.

Industrial IoT vs IoT - know the difference

Industrial IoT versus IoT – do you know the difference?

Posted on 4 CommentsPosted in FAQs, Industrial IoT, Internet of Things, Product Management

Industrial IoT (IIoT) is not the same as IoT. Industrial IoT, a subset of the larger IoT, focuses on the specialized requirements of industrial applications, such as manufacturing, oil and gas, and utilities. Although IoT and IIoT share common technologies (sensors, cloud platforms, connectivity, and analytics), the similarities end there.

This article highlights key differences that product managers and buyers must know when planning industrial IoT solutions.

Computer vision revolutionizes IoT

The convergence of computer vision with IoT is poised to disrupt

Posted on 1 CommentPosted in Artificial Intelligence, Computer vision, Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is set to transform and disrupt what we do and how we do it. But there is a coming revolution – the integration of computer vision, machine intelligence, data analytics, with IoT that promises a whole new set of disruptions.

This post is Part One of a series of briefings on the convergence of computer vision and the Internet of Things (IoT). It discusses what computer vision is, the impact of advanced machine learning algorithms, examples of use cases, and current challenges.

Six things IT managers must do to accelerate IoT adoption

6 things IT executives must do to accelerate IoT adoption

Posted on 1 CommentPosted in Best Practices, Digital Transformation, Innovation Management, Internet of Things

Are you ready for IoT? Despite its transformational potential, most organizations are not ready. In an era of rapid disruption and digital transformation, IT executives and managers must lead the charge. They must bridge the gap between technology, business, engineering and operations. They are evangelists, teachers, facilitators and innovators.

This article lists six things IT managers must do to successfully accelerate IoT adoption within their organizations.

IoT sensors

Back to Basics – Sensors for IoT applications

Posted on Leave a commentPosted in FAQs, Internet of Things, Sensors

While a lot of the attention on the Internet of Things (IoT) is on platforms, analytics or even machine learning, IoT really starts with the sensors at the point of use, or the “edge”.

This post is part of the “Back to Basics” briefings on the Internet of Things (IoT) architecture for executives, managers and anyone new to IoT. Using the “Follow the Data” approach, I’ll start at the edge with the IoT sensors, and work my way back to the core of the IoT system.

This article will describe the sensor technology and considerations when selecting sensors.