IoT fog computing

Intelligent IoT will drive fog computing growth

Most IoT applications are based on a cloud centric architecture. Data collected from sensors and devices are sent to a gateway, which then transfers it to a cloud based IoT platform. For a growing set of IoT applications, including those that are mission critical, latency sensitive, or with high reliability needs, a new architecture is needed. An edge based architecture, with processing performed at the device, or in a gateway near the devices, is now emerging. This article provides an overview of edge or fog computing, and lists some common use cases.

Computer vision revolutionizes IoT

The convergence of computer vision with IoT is poised to disrupt

The Internet of Things is set to transform and disrupt what we do and how we do it. But there is a coming revolution – the integration of computer vision, machine intelligence, data analytics, with IoT that promises a whole new set of disruptions.

This post is Part One of a series of briefings on the convergence of computer vision and the Internet of Things (IoT). It discusses what computer vision is, the impact of advanced machine learning algorithms, examples of use cases, and current challenges.