Cisco ADP Aironet Development Platform

Cisco ADP is a stealth IoT opportunity for developers

In mid-October 2017, Cisco announced the launch of its Aironet Developer Platform (ADP), a third-party development platform based on the Aironet 3800 series access points (AP). While there was no mention of IoT in the announcement, this is a stealth IoT opportunity for software developers in Cisco’s DevNet community.

This article provides a brief assessment of the Cisco ADP program, and offers some recommendations for its implementation.

IoT fog computing

Intelligent IoT will drive fog computing growth

Most IoT applications are based on a cloud centric architecture. Data collected from sensors and devices are sent to a gateway, which then transfers it to a cloud based IoT platform. For a growing set of IoT applications, including those that are mission critical, latency sensitive, or with high reliability needs, a new architecture is needed. An edge based architecture, with processing performed at the device, or in a gateway near the devices, is now emerging. This article provides an overview of edge or fog computing, and lists some common use cases.