Building the Smart Region: an opportunity for electric utility companies

While smart cities represent a major business opportunity for utility companies, they are better suited to co-lead the building of the “smart region”. Utility companies have the regional focus, infrastructure, resources, operational and execution capabilities to support the largest metropolitan areas to the smaller cities and regions.

This article discusses some entry level smart region opportunities for utility companies, as well as some of the key gaps they must address.

Smart City Ecosystem Architects - eight things to do

Building Smart Cities – Eight Things That Matter

Whether you are planning or have already started your smart city journey, there are eight things that cities must get right. While smart cities are often associated with technology, it is but one component within the larger smart city ecosystem that needs to be addressed.

This article discusses the eight things that leaders and planners must get right, in order to build the sustainable and well functioning smart city.

Smart City Ecosystem Framework

Planning Sustainable Smart Cities with the Smart City Ecosystem Framework

The smart city is a complex ecosystem of people, processes, policies, technology and other enablers working together to deliver a set of outcomes.

Despite this, many planners today are not taking an ecosystem approach to smart city projects. This article introduces the smart city ecosystem framework, a more holistic and multi-dimensional approach, to building more sustainable, scalable and relevant smart cities.

Cisco ADP Aironet Development Platform

Cisco ADP is a stealth IoT opportunity for developers

In mid-October 2017, Cisco announced the launch of its Aironet Developer Platform (ADP), a third-party development platform based on the Aironet 3800 series access points (AP). While there was no mention of IoT in the announcement, this is a stealth IoT opportunity for software developers in Cisco’s DevNet community.

This article provides a brief assessment of the Cisco ADP program, and offers some recommendations for its implementation.

management considerations for IoT subscription models

Six Management Considerations for Planning IoT Subscription Models

One common monetization approach for today’s IoT solutions is the subscription model. While it provides an attractive recurring revenue stream, subscription models require major investments in resources, time, capital and management commitment.

In this blog, we’ll highlight six key strategic and critical considerations managers must address when planning and building IoT subscription models. These considerations will determine whether the IoT subscription service is successful or not.