IoT innovation is not in the solution, but in how it is used

IoT innovation is not in the technology, but in what it can do

Posted on 4 CommentsPosted in Best Practices, Digital Transformation, Innovation Management, Internet of Things, Strategy

Don’t confuse IoT with innovation. The real IoT innovation is not in the technology, but in what it can do and what it allows organizations to become – intelligent, agile and adaptive, in creating new value for its customers.

This article describes five innovation paths with IoT solutions to consider when planning digital transformation projects, along with advice to get started on turning the Internet of Things into the Innovation of Things.

5 types of innovation

Innovation is not just about technology – the five types of innovation all managers must know

Posted on 3 CommentsPosted in FAQs, Innovation Management, Strategy

Recently, I met with key executives from an industry trade group to discuss disruptive innovation in Silicon Valley.

One key concept I shared with them is that although many people equate innovation with technology, there are actually five types of innovation and that some or all may occur at the same time.

This post describes the five types of innovation, and provides managers with three takeaways to guide their innovation strategy.

Innovation of Things, not the Internet of Things will drive real innovation and transformation

Posted on 1 CommentPosted in FAQs, Innovation Management, Internet of Things, IoT

Are you ready? The Internet of Things (IoT) is here and its ability to drive new innovation will be huge.

But how much is real and how much is hype? Today’s IoT are “point” solutions that don’t live up to the hype. They offer limited utility and solve a small set of problems.

This articles discusses what IoT will look like when it lives up to the hype. It provides fives takeaways for managers to do today to begin the transformation from Internet of Things to Innovation of Things.