The Strategy of Things is a Silicon Valley based Emerging Technology Innovation Firm


We help cities, communities and business enterprises become smarter, safer, more responsive and resilient. Our integrated portfolio of services – innovation lab, consulting, research and execution–deliver the outcomes that matter to you and your customers.

Smarter. Faster. With Less Risk.

Our Services


Innovation Ecosystem. Proven Solutions. Trusted Services.


Strategy. Planning. Analysis. Value Realization.


“On The Ground” Insights. Best Practices. Innovation Scouting.

Innovation Lab

Use Cases. Pilot Design and Testing. Solutions.

Innovation Firms Get Things Done

At Strategy of Things, our responsibility is just as much as about beginning a motion as it is following it through. 

We understand that complex projects require more than advice. That's why as emerging technology innovators, we're unafraid to get our hands dirty. Our innovation firm combines the strengths of conventional consulting with boots-on-the-ground execution, experimentation, and expertise. With over 75+ years of collective partner experience and proven leadership as smart city innovators, we work passionately with your company, community, or city to realize your innovation goals from start to finish.

Strategize around problems and systems thinking, then technology
Develop leading edge insights, and innovate with foresight
Assume nothing, and validate everything
Achieve shared goals as hands-on practitioners and partners, not consultants

Disrupt Successfully

Drive customer adoption, increase revenues and productivity, while lowering costs.

Go Faster

Innovate faster and more frequently in response to market, customer and technological shifts.

Sustain Advantage

Transform organization into disruption machine for building innovative services and solutions.

Where We Can Help

Smart Cities

Today’s cities are being transformed by digital technologies to deliver old and new services in new ways, while supporting ambitious new goals.

Smart Communities

Communities (residential communities, business districts, buildings, and universities) are mini-cities, but with its own set of localized needs.

Smart Industry

Manufacturing is being transformed as connectivity, data analytics, automation and systems integration drives towards autonomous factory production.

Our Work

"Strategy of Things is a trusted partner who accelerated our smart region journey from concept to launch in eight months. They helped build our smart region strategy, developed our innovation capabilities from the ground up, recruited strategic industry partners, and launched our innovation lab. They are a critical extension of our team and a strategic capability for San Mateo County's smart region efforts."


Ulysses Vinson
Chief Smart Communities Officer
San Mateo County

San Mateo Emblem
SMC Labs

Our Team

Benson Chan
Benson Chan
Senior Partner
David Duncan
David Duncan
Renil Paramel
Renil Paramel
Senior Partner

Latest Insights

smart buildings in the age of covid-19

How COVID-19 clarified the necessity and value of smart buildings

Smart buildings transform the spaces in which we work, live, shop, and relax. They implement innovations that change what we do, how we do it, and where we do it. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted how we used indoor spaces, and despite our progress in combatting the disease, scientists believe it will persist. What then becomes the role of smart buildings?
This blog updates the definition of today’s smart buildings and describes its evolved roles.

Smart city internship students working together

Smart city internship program creates next generation urban innovators

Students in high school are not only residents and beneficiaries of smart cities, but may be its future architects, planners, builders, operators, and leaders.

This blog details our 2021 Smart City Internship Program that introduced seven local high school students with an interest in STEM careers to urban innovation and smart cities.

Smart Cities Digital Divide

Why does the Digital Divide exist in 2021?

We live in a connected world and talk about the possibility of smart cities and its many benefits. But yet, there is still a sizable portion of our communities that do not have broadband Internet service, nor access to devices, or the skills to use them in the year 2021. Silicon Valley in California, the world famous home of innovation and technology, has not been spared.
This blog provides a broad definition of digital divide, identifies some of its causes, and some broad strategic areas to focus on.

See All

Named to Top 100 IoT Blogs and Websites for IoT Industry Professionals, April 2018

Let’s Talk!

We recognize that your needs are unique to your organization, market and customer base.
Please contact us today for a free consultation of your needs and how we can help.