A new beginning – the COVID-19 New Normal

Posted on 4 CommentsPosted in COVID-19, Internet of Things, New Normal, Smart City

The disruption caused by COVID-19 has halted the economy and put many industries in jeopardy. As the pandemic subsides, we will see a return to normalcy, but it will be far different from our previous interpretation of “normal”.

In this blog, we take a deep dive into several industries that will be drastically and permanently altered as a direct result of the coronavirus, including the restaurant industry, offices & workspaces, travel, education, and retail & manufacturing. This understanding is necessary in order to design our new future cities and communities.

Smart parking - the real innovation is not in the parking

Smart parking is innovative, but what it enables is even more innovative

Posted on 2 CommentsPosted in Digital Transformation, Innovation Management, Internet of Things, Smart City

The real innovation of smart parking solutions is not in the technology. While smart parking solutions bring immediate value to drivers, parking enforcement agencies and cities, the real innovations and value will emerge once it is deployed and new beneficiaries emerge.

Smart parking is not all about parking. This article describes who the new beneficiaries are, shares examples of where new value is being created, and lists best practices to uncover real innovations.