Capabilities for Covid-19 Information Management

Information Management consists of two of the fifteen capabilities defined in the CDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Capabilities October 2018 (Updated January 2019) document. The two capabilities are:

Emergency Public Information and Warning  is the ability to develop, coordinate, and disseminate information, alerts, warnings, and notifications to the public and incident management personnel. This capability consists of the ability to perform the functions listed below.

  • Activate the emergency public information system
  • Determine the need for a Joint Information System
  • Establish and participate in information system operations
  • Establish avenues for public interaction and information exchange
  • Issue public information, alerts, warnings, and notifications

Information sharing is the ability to conduct multi-jurisdictional and multidisciplinary exchange of health-related information and situational awareness data among federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial levels of government and the private sector. This capability includes the routine sharing of information as well as issuing of public health alerts to all levels of government and the private sector in preparation for and in response to events or incidents of public health significance. This capability consists of the ability to perform the functions listed below.

  • Identify stakeholders that should be incorporated into information flow and define information sharing needs
  • Identify and develop guidance, standards, and systems for information exchange
  • Exchange information to determine a common operating picture

More detailed information about these two capabilities and their associated functions is found in the CDC document.

To go to the use cases and solutions for Covid-19 Information Management

Information Management Innovation Ecosystem and Use Cases

Information Management Community Engagement

Rapid Response Virtual Agents
Respond to questions from  constituents (businesses, residents, etc.) about the coronavirus. It's designed for organizations who need to be able to provide information related to the COVID-19 pandemic to their customers, such as government agencies, healthcare and public. Designed to help government agencies, healthcare and public health organizations, nonprofits, and businesses in other industries impacted by COVID-19, such as travel, financial services, and retail, Contact Center AI’s Rapid Response Virtual Agent program is available around the world in any of the 23 languages supported by Dialogflow.

Additional information


Information Management Data and Analytics

Community sentiment analysis
Platform analyses online comments (social media, posts, tweets, likes, comments, etc.), aggregates and provides data driven insights to identify what people are talking about, their concerns, their interests, and so on. Helps local government understand resident concerns and priorities around the pandemic, shape policy, programs, initiatives and messaging. Additional information.

Information Management Technology Infrastructure


These are extraordinary times, and we're all in this together. We try to stay up to date with share what is happening with COVID-19 responses and mitigation efforts. Whether you have questions about the content, like to share information, exchange knowledge and best practices or collaborate on future projects, we look forward to hearing from you.